How many faces I’ve worn over the years, so many, I know not the man in the mirror. Born we are with the most innocent of faces, through time it changes and hardens to adapt. Masks I call them not as they are just temporary, faces they are, it’s who I need to be. Right now. Look at […]

When things get tough you said to step back and take a deep breath, but I ask you, how many second breaths do I have left? My hearts been ripped out and lay beating on the floor, how many more times before there’s no soul left? I’m trying to walk on a guided path you […]

I left this earth, yet I’m all around you You can’t see me, but I watch over you If you need to talk, I’ll be a thought away I see your tears, where they fall a flower grows You were my heart, now I live in yours You never left my side, I’ll never leave […]

The wake and the funeral are over. My dear mother is home again with the people she loved and missed. The grieving process is in full swing and I’m feeling alone. I’ve got plenty of family here to keep my mind off of things or, to call for support when I need them. But what […]

We’d had a conversation a long time ago about death and dying. I’ll never forget it because it was shortly after my father passed away. I asked mom how she kept so strong in such a trying time. She told me in two words. “My faith.” I watched for the next eighteen years as her faith got […]

It’s said that in death, there is a chance at new life. It doesn’t only have to be that way for the deceased, it can be that way for the surviving family members too. Sometimes relationships become strained over time and, for selfish reasons. I’m guilty of this selfish act. I’ve carried this burden with me for far […]

The holidays are supposed to be joyous and happy.  With all the disease that surrounds me, I find this hard to be true. Stop the world, I want to get off! Between family and friends, right now, my wife and I have people near and dear to us fighting to just make it through the […]

There are technical answers as too what part of the brain controls emotion.  I could sit  here and tell you how studies have shown that the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), are responsible for controlling emotions.  Desire, in my opinion, is one of the strongest emotions. A specific question I’d like to pose to you is, how do you […]

If I stare in the mirror long enough, will the face glaring back change? Can it morph into something different? When I take my shower and steam up the mirror and, wipe it dry. Can I wipe away the face that looks back at me? This face has become to accustomed to the everyday. It’s fragmented. It needs […]

Remember when we were kids? When your birthday or Christmas would come around? You would run for the Sears toy catalog and check off what you waned for a gift. In those younger days it might be a G.I. Joe action figure. Or a Hot Wheels car. How about slot cars? Remember those, when you would […]

I am not in any way trying to compare the devastation between Hurricane Katrina to Hurricane Sandy. They were both devastating in their own ways. I’m trying to bring to your attention that something is drastically wrong with our countries infrastructure.  How can we be in the 21 century and not have power back to theses people. It’s been two weeks. Now they have to deal with freezing temperatures and […]

I’ve tried to live my life to the best of my ability. Sure, I’ve screwed some things up along the way. But who hasn’t? I’ve also learned in these 52 years of life that my mistakes were just that. Mine. I made them with the help of no one. No one pressured me into anything. […]

So the votes are in. President Obama has won re-election. So where do we go from here? It’s my hope that we can get congress to work together with the President to finally do what is right for the American people. I’m afraid that we have become so divided in this country that we can’t work out our differences. And who […]

Just don’t be afraid to ask for it.     I’ve been out of my element for the past year or so. You see, I’ve gone to a job for the last 22 years and have enjoyed a steady paycheck. Now I’m on my own floundering to find my calling.   I started blogging as a way […]

I would like you to get back to your moral obligation while holding public office. What I have figured out about you  You hold special interest groups closer to your hearts than you do your children’s pictures. I know this because you continue to let big business continue to get tax-breaks and offshore tax havens that escape U.S. […]